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Kambô is a traditional Amazonian practice that has gained popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits. While the scientific evidence behind these claims is limited, many people have reported experiencing positive effects after undergoing a Kambô ceremony.

Here are some of the potential benefits of Kambô:


  1. Boosts the immune system: The bioactive peptides in Kambô have been shown to stimulate the immune system, increasing the production of antibodies and natural killer cells.

  2. Reduces inflammation: Kambô contains peptides that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful for conditions like arthritis and autoimmune disorders.

  3. Improves mental clarity and focus: Many people report feeling a sense of mental clarity and focus after a kambo ceremony, which can be helpful for improving productivity and concentration.

  4. Releases emotional blockages: Kambô is believed to have a cleansing effect on the mind and spirit, helping to release emotional blockages and promote a sense of inner peace and balance.

  5. Detoxifies the body: Kambô is believed to have detoxifying properties, helping to rid the body of toxins and impurities.

  6. Relieves pain: Kambô has been used traditionally to alleviate pain, and some people report experiencing pain relief after a ceremony.

  7. Enhances physical performance: Some people report experiencing an increase in strength and endurance after a Kambô ceremony, which can be helpful for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

  8. Clear Panema: Kambô has been used to clear away dark energy known as 'Panema'. Panema is the energetic build-up of emotions, traumas, hatred, frustrations, anger, resentment, etc.. When Panema is cleared, everything seems easier, obstacles are easily overcome, and life flows more naturally.


Also, there are records of Kambô being used to treat infertility, depression, anxiety, asthma, sexual attraction, and more!




An individual ceremony is always best as it allows you to focus solely on yourself and your individual healing. It is absolutely the best option for dealing with traumas, AND MINOR HEALTH AILEMENTS.



A couple's ceremony can be great for surface releases, detoxing, bonding, or second ceremonies. It can be with your significant other, parent, sibling, best friend, or whoever you feel called to share this sacred space and experience with.



3 treatments in a Lunar Cycle. Traditionally, the Caboclo people recommend Kambô 3 times in a Moon cycle, 3 sessions within 28 days. This is known as the healing of the forest. This method was said to build immunity for up to 1 year. Sessions can be 3 days in a row, a few days between sessions, or a week between each session. It depends on the purpose and the intention.



womb healing is a specialized application of the secretion to the lower abdomen or "womb" areA. includes a limpia (energy cleansing). believed to have unique benefits for women's health and well-being. Womb healing can cleanse physical and energetic toxins from the body, especially the womb area; can increase fertility through increased circulation and reduction of inflammation in the reproductive organs; regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate menstrual pain; release emotional blockages, reduce stress, and promote emotional balance; Kambô can aid in rebalancing and aligning energy within the body to empower women by fostering a sense of inner strength and resilience.



3 Womb Healing treatments in a Lunar Cycle (3 sessions within 28 days). This is a beautiful process in healing from any womb trauma including sexual trauma, childbirth, abortions, child loss, and any trauma to the feminine spirit in the journey of healing your energy body and forgiving self to heal the mother within. See the description for 'Womb Healing' above.

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