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all ceremony begins with preparation to set intention or prayer with the spirit and to evaluate efforts you are already making to support your intention, as well as create a plan to begin to support it before and well after. all ceremony also has a dieta to help clean your body, mind, and spirit for an optimal experience.


in ceremony, I prepare and open the space for spirit with prayer and smoke for clearing. we set intentions and do breathwork and light meditation before going inward. it is my commitment to hold space for you and care for your body while you do the work.  


ceremony closes with Integration which, in my opinion, is the most important part of your healing journey, even more important than any spiritual or psychedelic experience, because it is what you do with the information and how you integrate it into your life afterward for permanent change that is key to real change and growth. Integration services are a vital aspect of ceremonial healing. This service helps you to translate and integrate your spiritual experiences into your everyday life in this space. Spiritual experiences can be transformative, but they can also be overwhelming and challenging to integrate into one's life. Integration services provide a safe and supportive environment for you to process your experience and receive guidance on incorporating the insights gained from your journey into your daily life and how to maintain that direction and movement and remain on the path. 


Integration services may include one-on-one therapy sessions, group therapy sessions, workshops, and educational resources. I lead by experience and have a deep understanding of spiritual and psychedelic experiences and their potential impact on individuals. I am also part of a community network of healers who have training in various therapeutic modalities such as somatic therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, and trauma-informed care, which can help you process your experiences and work through any challenges that arise.


In addition to therapy and counseling services, integration services are intended for you to continue your healing and growth journey outside of therapy. This may include recommendations for journaling, meditation practices, yoga classes, support groups, and other wellness practices that can support your ongoing integration and personal development.


Overall, integration services are a crucial component of healing through spiritual awareness. With integration therapy and a variety of resources, you can continue on your path of healing and growth without limits. I am here to guide you on your path of healing and witness your transformation.



the journey can be very difficult to recollect, much like a dream which continues to fade over time. it's important to document your experience and your translation of it to have to reflect on and grow your understanding of. Journaling serves as a tangible record of insights and emotions. Writing allows you to explore and articulate your thoughts, aiding in the processing of the experience. It acts as a therapeutic tool, encouraging self-reflection, awareness, and the integration of profound realizations. The practice provides a structured way to navigate the complexities of the mind, contributing to a deeper understanding of self and promoting lasting positive changes.

Be in Nature

true nature provides a serene environment that offers grounding and spiritual significance by offering a sacred space for reflection. Nature offers a calming backdrop, allowing you to process your experience, gain insight, and connect with the present moment. The natural surroundings complement the introspective nature of this healing, facilitating a holistic integration of newfound perspectives and emotions. The natural environment enhances connectivity with inner self, promoting spiritual insights and a harmonious integration of the profound codes downloaded.

Daily Rituals

Establishing daily rituals is vital for integration as it provides structure and reinforces your purpose. rituals serve as reminders, fostering a continuous connection with insights gained in ceremony. Consistent practices help you stay aligned with your intentions, promoting a sense of purpose and stability. This ongoing reinforcement aids in the integration of transformative experiences, facilitating sustained personal growth and well-being. this can be as small as a daily prayer or something bigger like lighting candles and meditating.

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